Wednesday, February 4, 2009


A few Saturday’s ago we took a trip to Teotihuacan, which was the Mayan capital city. It was really amazing how well preserved the temples and buildings were. There was a huge arena with two temples in the center and smaller temples around the edges. Then there was a road which had ancient apartment buildings along the sides and market squares a little further down. The apartments were interesting to see, many had patios with open roofs and the door ways were still very much intact. At the end of the road and toward the end of the market squares there are two huge pyramids. They are known as the Temple of The Sun and the Temple of The Moon. The Temple of The Sun is the highest temple in Mesoamerica…..and I climbed all the steps to the top! It was definitely worth it, the view of the Mayan city, and also the entire valley, was amazing. Its hard to believe the temples were built by hand so long ago, and also that they are still standing.

We spent the day exploring ancient homes, water tunnels and enjoying the crazy sculptures on the sides of the temples. It was a great day; I wish I could have seen it when it was fully in tact….or that I could have been one of the first to discover the city. It was an amazing city to see empty, but imagining it with crowds of Mayans (believed to have been around 100,000 people at one point) going about their daily business made it come alive.

It was incredibly hot at Teotihuacan because of the elevation, so it was the first day I wore my cowboy hat….good thing too because I would have roasted on top of the temple without it! However it was nothing compared to the sombraro I found in a store near the parking lot...

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