Thursday, April 23, 2009


Near to Xalapa there is a small town called Xico, it’s in the quiet hills of Veracruz and a bit smaller than Bellefonte, PA. Xico is known for its beautiful views and waterfalls and fruit wines, and so a few weeks ago I went to check it out with my friends, Liz, Cody and Arturo.

We arrived, parked the car and walked about 100 meters down to footpath into the woods. After turning a few corners we came across a cliff and horse shoe ridge that encircled a small lake being filled by a huge waterfall off the edge of the ridge.

We followed the path further, across an old bridge and found more lookouts over the large waterfall…..along the path was the occasional indigenous person selling home made wines, or jewelry. And eventually we reached the river that lead to the waterfall. We also found the next waterfall of the series upstream that flowed into the river. We put on our bathing suits and went wading for awhile around the bottom of the waterfall but not really swimming since it wasn’t deep.

After about 15 minutes of enjoying the water, Cody’s camera, which had been sitting with his jeans on a rock, slid between 2 rocks into the water. L So we spent about half an hour trying to get his camera back from the stagnant water between the rocks. We poked about with sticks, even lowered Liz between the rocks….and finally made a hook out of a stick, a hair tie, and a hair clip. We hooked the camera and found that the memory stick was good! So all the photos were saved! And here they are….

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